Afraid to Setup Small Office or Home Web server

home-based-serverWhile thinking on webserver, you just think to purchase some space from any data center. But for your small project or some creative work or for secure project you may need data center at home or small office. We fear to setup own web server.

To setup web erver two obligation is reason of fear.

  1.  Un-interrupted power
  2. Un-interrupted internet connectivity

You can manage these, may have some hassle, but you will get a bigger opportunity and freedom to your data.

I am just giving the post for two or three web server at your office or home.

01. For Power:

I choose IPS and online UPS both for power backup of webserver. In Bangladesh, There is load shedding. One hour load shedding is common. Some time there may more than two or three hours load shedding. You can choose one 3KVA IPS and three 1KVA UPS. IPS battery is cheaper but conventional IPS  don’t save your server to restart. You just connect them like AC Power>IPS>UPS>Server.

If you think that the Electricity power is vulnerable in your area. You can take solar and Electricity charging both. Electrician can suggest more better idea.

02. Internet Redundancy:

a) Connection Redundancy.

For internet redundancy, you can take fiber optic connectivity and radio link backup for your server. Most of the ISP of Bangladesh provide both. You can take multiple connection from multi IPS, If one down another can backup you.

b) Server Redundancy:

I like this to mansion Load Balance/Proxy software. I like Pound which will give you both redundancy and backup. But you have to setup your server in two area. If internet connection or power fail in one area, other will backup you.

You can just search and got the load balance idea “Pound”. In linux system it works wonderfull to me.

If you need more redundancy, you can buy small VPS from any data center and setup the pound on that server that will choose your home based server to get data. If you want to work with more space and resource with small money this kind of idea can save you.